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Hello, I'm Elly,


I help women to connect with their inner Wise Woman, enabling them to grow in strength, power, and confidence so that they can manifest and create the life they want to live.


I have made it my life’s work to support those who give so much support to others.  My greatest joy is to see women blossom into their own wisdom, happiness and success.


Women are so good at giving, helping and supporting others but don’t always have the support that they need whilst they are exhausting themselves trying to juggle everything.  This costs them their health and wellbeing and they never have time for their own dreams and goals. 


I combine 35 years’ worth of experience and successful techniques into sessions that are tailormade to your requirements, in a safe space where you can succeed at your own pace with authentic guidance and support.


I’ve been trained in the Celtic Wise Woman tradition and Medicine Woman tradition and have been given permission by Celtic and American Indian Elders to do this work. 


I live on the beautiful Welsh coast with my husband, and love being out in nature and our garden.  I love a spontaneous dance break during the day as well as some dark chocolate!







I know from personal experience that what’s happened to you need not define you.


I didn't have an idyllic childhood; in fact it was quite challenging.  I grew up with a parent who was an alcoholic.  I did my best to protect my little sister and I had to grow up very quickly.  In my teens I became suicidal because I just couldn’t cope with the emotional and sometimes physical abuse, and there was nobody I could talk to about it.  My mother left shortly afterwards, and I found myself having to be a surrogate mother to my sister and share the running of the household,instead of being a normal teenager.


School also was not easy, my father worked hard to send us to a convent school for academics.  Although intelligent, I was a creative, spiritual child so didn’t fit in and certainly didn’t excel.  It was the intuitive gifts I was born with that got me through it.  School friends would come to me for advice even though I was the same age as them. It seemed natural therefore that I became a counsellor and therapist when I got older.


My outlet during this time was dance.  I could escape into a world of movement and beauty, express myself and be me.  And I still dance to this day, and now incorporate it into my workshops and retreats.


Like many children of alcoholics, I became a perfectionist who was very hard on herself.  I excelled in my jobs, working in stressful fields such as marketing, law, television and the health service.  However, I soon learned that perfectionism doesn’t lead to happiness and can be a lonely place.  Decades of stress then started to take their toll on my physical and mental wellbeing.​


My intuitive and spiritual side continued to develop and I’ve been blessed from an early age to meet the right teachers at the right time.  I spent many years travelling to go on training courses here and overseas, honing my skills as a Healer and Therapist.  During this time, I also spent 7 years as a shamanic initiate before being given permission to teach by Celtic and Native American Elders.  I have also been privileged to work with Celtic, European and Native American Shamans and Medicine Women.


My experiences gave me the strength and wisdom to turn things around and live the kind of life I always wanted to live.  I have a lovely home in a beautiful area, a lovely husband and I’m doing work that makes my Soul sing and my heart feel happy.


Your past doesn’t have to affect your future.  What has happened to you doesn’t have to define you.  I will listen to your story.  I will help you to change what you most want to change.  I will fully support you.  If you are committed to wanting better for yourself, I will do everything in my power to help you get that.


My corporate background was in Marketing, Law, Media (television) and the Health Service, and I completely understand the pressures of working in these environments. I often 'counselled' and supported co-workers, then I decided to start training as a therapist and do it professionally. Decades later, I now combine wide variety of skills and experience to support women in finding the right balance in themselves, their lives and their career.


I transformed my life by investing in myself, by getting the support and help I needed, it changed my life and I grew so much as a person.  It’s the best investment I’ve ever made (well apart from marrying my husband!)


If I can do it, you can do it too.


What do you really want for yourself?


Isn’t it time you invested in yourself?








Alchemist, Counsellor, Ceremonialist, EFT, Energy Medicine Specialist, Feng Shui, Flower Essence Producer, Healing (various types), Menopause and Women's issues, Rainbow Analysis™, Sleep specialist, Stress Management, Sacred Space and Space Clearing consultant.
- Producer of wide range of handmade organic products for Health and Well Being.
- Founder of the international Healing Prayers Circle
- Founder of WOMEN of the SACRED CIRCLE™
Courses, Workshops, Retreats, Ceremonies and Rituals facilitator
Writer (variety of subjects, specialising in plant medicine and Wise Woman wisdom).




I give thanks to all the wonderful teachers and Elders who have trained me and passed on their wisdom and knowledge,

and who gave me permission to teach.

And I give thanks to all my wonderful clients.







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Copyright: ELLY YULE ©1985-ongoing

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