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In recent years have you been noticing the number 11 more?  There’s a reason.


In Numerology 11 is a Master number, it’s a portal that enables you step through into a new reality, it brings illumination for the path ahead.


11 is expansive and invites you to expand your mind and vision.  It is the number of the Messenger, the number of inspiration, intuition, channelling, inventiveness, mystical, spiritual, Angelic connection, the Visionary and joy bringer.  11 reminds us that we are not victims but victors, that we are vast Beings who have come to Earth to help with the ascension process.  It helps you to locate the light within and share it.


The 11:11 phenomena started in 1992 when the channel, Solara received the message about the importance of raising the vibration of humanity one level at a time so that humanity could cope with the changes that would occur. 


Portal of Possibility artist: (c) Rassouli

There were eleven gates through the portal of the 11:11 each with a unique frequency of energy.  As you learn to work with the 11:11 vibration you start an unlocking process, each time a new gate will open and your energy will be activated at a higher level. This is why so many kept noticing 11:11 on their clocks, washing machines etc, every time you noticed that you unlocked the next level.  The 11:11 process has been to activate us in an evolutionary process, however it’s time now to complete this process and prepare for the next step, the next cycle.


Think back over the past 30 years and see how you have evolved and changed, the decades have seen us all go through profound transformations, which have been to prepare us for the new cycle.  11 is the number of rebirth in the eleventh month, November, the most shamanic month of the year.  What we are experiencing on Earth at this time is a shamanic, transformational experience.


I was fortunate to take part in the first three 11:11 activations for the UK, led by the lovely Mike Eastwood.  We all gathered the night before to learn about the ceremony and what would happen the following day and night.  We all were asked to dress in white.

First, there was a wonderful meditation with us all lying down in a circle with a huge crystal in the centre, we opened up to attune our energies with the 11:11 portal.

Then we made our way to the site that had been chosen in the countryside under the light of a bright, full moon.  There we stood and called in our Higher Selves, and for the first time ever I saw everyone’s Higher Self standing about eight foot tall behind each participant, it was incredible.

We all joined hands and began the trance circle dance which went on for a long time, the power of the vortex that built up was so strong we had to resist being pulled towards the centre of the circle, we were sweating by the end in the effort to contain the powerful energy that was building.  I saw the light of our vortex go up into the night sky, it seemed to expand in concentric circles, wider and wider briefly lighting everything up as if a large beam had been switched on, and then suddenly it was gone and all was dark again.  It was an incredible experience.  The 11:11 has been significant in my life ever since.


On 11th November, find some quiet time at 11am and/or 11pm, to attune to the 11:11 energies, connect with the Universe, your Guides and Angels, and be open to shifting your reality into the reality you truly desire.  Your intuition is at an all-time high on this day, you will be inspired with creative ideas.  Share your vision, shine your light and inspire others.  Monitor your thoughts carefully on this day, be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t want.  On this day you have a direct line to Source, a gate of opportunity is opening up for you, so manage your thoughts and open to the energy.


After 32 years the 11:11 cycle ‘closes’ in November 2024 (9th-24th) and we will step through into a new cycle.  May this new cycle be the Era of Peace.



P.S. I was born in the 11th month of the year, to celebrate I’m offering 11% off all my sessions and packages for this month only.  Let’s have a quick chat to see how I can  help.






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