I was thinking about the power words I set for myself last year: Connection – Power – Purpose and how amazingly each one of those turned out to be. By focusing daily on them, I manifested exponentially in each of these areas.
Now it’s a new year and time to focus on a new power word or words. Then I got stuck, absolutely nothing seemed to drop into my mind or jump up in my vision.
Finally it happened, my power word for 2022 is Successful. Really? Isn’t that a bit cheesy? Then I meditated on it and did some journaling, and realised how significant it is.
The past three years have been incredibly tough for me on many levels and took their toll quite dramatically. Last year was about regaining in many areas, and turning the corner so that I could leave the past behind.
In 2022 I intend to bring success to all the different areas of my life, to achieve balance and be successful as a human being, doing the best I can and helping others to be the best that they can be.
Going into the word successful more deeply, this is my personal focus for 2022:
S avour U ncomplicate
C reate
C ollaborate
E levate
S hare
S acred
F ulfilment
U pgrade
L ove
What’s your power word for 2022?
Are you ready for 2022?