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She tentatively entered the room. She looked all one colour; her clothes and hair were the same colour, and a dull version of it was in her energy field which was tight around her physical body. Her eyes were dull and she couldn’t look me in the eye, she said she wasn’t sure why she was here.

Her relationships and job had sucked the life from her and were making her ill, ill enough to require surgery. She was deeply unhappy, yet something had prompted her to sign up for this programme.

She had got to the point where enough is enough, where something had to change or she knew she might not be around much longer. She made a commitment to the programme, which was a commitment to herself.

For the first time in her life, she put herself first. As the months went on she started to blossom, colour came back into her life and she was smiling and laughing again. All the issues that had been weighing her down were now being dealt with; she had support and now had the confidence to deal with them. Her energy field expanded and she was glowing.

I’m still in touch with her and her life is relaxed, happy, filled with joy, love and colour.

Did all this happen overnight? No, it took time and commitment, there were times when I thought she would walk away from the challenges but she stuck it out and she reaped the rewards of doing so.

If we want our lives to change we have to make the decision to do something about it, to find the person we feel can help us, and then make the commitment to stick to it in order to achieve our goals.

Commitment isn’t easy, but nothing of true value lasts unless commitment has been built in as a foundation block. When we make a commitment, we are making a promise to ourselves.

This is an example of why I love what I do.

This is an example of why I go above and beyond for my clients.

This is an example of how commitment between two people can create miracles.

As a mentor/coach the process is not always easy for me either, however I am committed to my clients and will do everything I can to help them achieve their dreams, goals and desires.

What has been your hardest commitment to date?

Are you ready to commit to yourself?

Why not give me a call to discuss which session/package might be most helpful for you right now?



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Copyright: ELLY YULE ©1985-ongoing

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