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Updated: Jan 13

Full Moon in Cancer

We have a healing Full Moon in home-loving, nurturing Cancer.  Full Moons are a culmination of the past four weeks, giving thanks for the good times and learning from the not so good times.  How has your past month been?


Cancer is a water sign and your emotions may be close to the surface at the moment.  Acknowledge them, what are they trying to tell you?  It’s okay to have a cry if you need to, our tears are our healing rain, plus it’s better to get the emotions out rather than keeping them bottled up or they explode at the wrong time.  This Full Moon encourages you to share your feelings, if something has been bubbling away it’s time to get it out in a balanced way, talking is healing.


When life seems overwhelming Cancer retreats into its shell where it feels safe.  Whatever is going on for you right now, find somewhere that feels safe for you, where you can curl up and just be with yourself (or with those who love and support you) and let the world out there just carry on until you feel ready to re-emerge.



Here in the northern hemisphere, we are still in the Winter moons, a time for resting, reflection and planning.  Some of you may be feeling like you are in no-mans-land, aware that you have let go of so much but still unsure where you are headed.  As I always say to my clients “when in doubt, wait for clarity” which always comes when the time is right.  These inbetween times are sacred thresholds, you are between realities, between the old and the new.  Honour yourself and this time.  By giving yourself this space you create the space for guidance to come in about the steps to take next.


We are also in the New Moon Window, the space of time between 1st January and the end of Chinese New Year in February.  So, ease up on yourself, use this inbetween time to create space in your home, mind and body, gently and lovingly.

Make the most of this slower, quieter time before things start picking up speed at the end of the month.


Spend time working on your dreams and goals and make a note of your dreams during Full Moon phases, they often contain messages, clues and answers.  Even if you have a lot of emotional stuff going on right now, don’t lose sight of your dreams and desires, have faith in them, find time to do some visualisation on a regular basis – this acts like a magnet!


As a fixed sign (Scorpio), I hate not knowing where I’m headed, my practical Virgo ascendant is itching to get organised yet my Pisces moon is saying, relax, zone out and tune in!  Have you got any kind of inner tug-of-war going on?


It’s too cold here to put my crystals outside to charge them under the Full Moon, some of the older more fragile ones may crack as it’s so cold, putting them on a window ledge that gets the light of Moon works just as well.

If you feel in need of courage, carry a Tiger’s Eye crystal with you, sit and hold it in your hand when you are resting.


🍒Remember to eat well so that you stay grounded.

💧Ensure you are hydrated enough; this will help you to have clarity of thought and flexibility.

🌳Get outside if you can especially if the sun is shining.

💤Give yourself permission to stop and rest.

💭Allow yourself to dream and imagine what you want for yourself, how do you want your home life to be?  What kind of work would make your Soul sing?  What relationships do you want in your life?  Also allow yourself time for your spirituality, do little rituals to help you.




Keys to this Full Moon


Be gentle with yourself

Be kind to others

Trust your heart – it’s your Soul compass

Trust that the Universe always knows what’s best for you

Believe in yourself

Enjoy hearth and home




Full Moon Blessings to you all!




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