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Mars (planet of action and war) is retrograde.  On a personal level it means this is not a time for pushing things or going full out with anything, the energy won’t be there for it and you won’t have the energy for it.  It’s a time of going within and dreaming into being the next actions you want to take.  Globally, Mars retrograde will hopefully help to slow down the warring activity on our planet.


Also, this Full Moon is on the last day of Mercury retrograde, by the end of the month communication and all things Mercury will be working better again.  However, with Merc still just about retrograde with this Full Moon, people may be a bit snippy, they may not be listening properly and could misinterpret something you say.  Be very clear in all your communications during this Full Moon.


Of course, Full Moons bring emotions to the surface and at this stressful time of year, people may fly off the handle or be overly sensitive and reactive.  If that’s you, take yourself off somewhere quiet or go for a walk in Nature to give yourself time to restore your energy and reset your boundaries.  There could be a lot of drama queens throwing their toys out of the pram during this Full Moon phase.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Winter is the time of rest and restoration so don’t neglect your self-care.  Winter is the water element, so warm baths and warm, nutritiously rich foods will nourish you, also warm drinks especially water which should never be drunk cold in Winter.  Look after your kidneys, keep your neck, feet and back warm especially when outside.  You may crave more salty foods; just ensure you are adequately hydrating at the same time.  The emotion of Winter is grief, letting go, having a good cry is good medicine as your tears are your healing rain. 


Dreams become more vivid during a Full Moon, so make a note of the ones that seem to stick around in your head after waking.  Keep a Dream journal, it’s handy to look back, things will then make more sense about the dreams after a period of time.


Full Moons are the completion of the month, what went well and what didn’t?  Give thanks for it all and use the waning Moon this coming week as a time to rest and focus on what matters.  Full Moons are about celebrating, it’s a great time for gatherings and celebrations and how perfect with Yule/Christmas approaching?  However, avoid overspending.


Beware of scammers, they seem to be having a field day at this time of year.  It’s easy to get caught out when you are so busy you can’t think straight or you are so tired and distracted.  Stay hydrated to stay alert, stay grounded by eating regularly – and not just mince pies!  Be careful not to be sucked in especially on the internet, thoroughly check them out first, never assume always check first.  This also includes those on their soapbox or spouting convincingly (especially on social media), it may be misinformation, check it out before reacting or doing anything.


As this Full Moon is in Gemini, there could be a bit of push/pull energy going on with your emotions and decision-making.  I always advise my clients to wait for clarity, and in the meantime weigh up the pros and cons, sometimes writing these down in list form can bring clarity.  Think before agreeing to anything, wait until the New Year.

The Full Moon shines a bright light on the way forward, the mercurial energy has been disruptive over the past few weeks, this now settles and you are shown the way forward as things settle and become more clear in your mind.

This is particularly relevant to those you spend time with as the Full Moon will illuminate the truth about a person, group or situation, it may be time for you to leave some behind and connect with those who are more like-minded and supportive of you and your dreams and goals.


2025 is the  year for you to step up, to walk your talk, to be courageous, to be strong in your stand for freedom and justice for all, to join together in a common cause because together we can make a difference, to make your boundaries strong and stick to them, to speak your truth fearlessly and compassionately.  2025 is a year of new adventures and following that inner urge that has been brewing up inside you for so long, this is the year to make it happen.



FULL MOON Letting Go Ritual

  • You will need candle, paper, pen, tissues, matches, fire safe pot.

  • Create a quiet space where you cannot be disturbed.

  • Light your candle and take three deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth.

  • Write down all that you wish to let go of, empty your emotions on the page, allow yourself to cry if you need to.

  • When you have written all you can, fold the sheet/s of paper into a scroll and gently twist it.

  • Use matches to set fire to it in your fire safe pot or bowl.  Ensure that every word is reduced to ash – this may take a few matches – keep sifting through the ash to make sure.

  • As you do this you can say “I release you and I release me, we are now free” this dispels any remaining karma between you and whatever/whoever you have let go of.

  • Once you are happy with the ash, give thanks.

  • Send the light of your candle out to wherever it is needed and

  • Then cast the ash to the winds where it can fly free, or sprinkle it in the garden where it can turn into something beautiful.

Blessed Be



Keys to this Full Moon

Give your mind a rest (stop scrolling mindlessly on social media)

Give your body a rest (stop pushing yourself so hard, what gets done gets done, forget the rest)

Honour your emotions and let them flow if they need to

Speak up about what you do and don’t want

Reinforce your personal boundaries

Journal your feelings or have a chat to someone who understands

Think logically, don’t assume

Remember to celebrate

The Universe supports and loves you

And so do I!



Bright Full Moon Blessings to y’all!






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