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FULL SuperMOON partial lunar Eclipse in PISCES



Yes, Eclipse season has arrived, so hang onto your hats - and your emotions - as we are also in Supermoon season – powerful times!


Eclipses represent shake ups, wake ups and break ups.  They are designed to shift us out of our comfortable ruts so that we can get back on our pathway.  It’s time to let go of what no longer matches our vibe and what/who no longer supports us.  There are big shifts on the way.


But rather than fearing an Eclipse, be excited about the new chapter that’s about to open up for you, the new beginning.  What an Eclipse takes away can feel painful at the time, however it always, always, always leads to something so much better.  If you find yourself going through some tough stuff and having to make some tough decisions, hang on in there, see where it all leads you and I promise, it will lead to something even better than you can imagine.


If you need some support and guidance, why not book a Wise Woman Wisdom session?  You will receive an intuitive reading, gentle healing and a practical plan for going forward.  More info here:


Pisces is a water sign, therefore emotions are on the agenda. Full Moons always bring our emotions closer to the surface, so that we face them, deal with them and heal them.  Pisces can make us feel a bit ‘away with the faeries’ and whilst that feels nice, you do need to stay grounded to help you to cope with any curveballs that may come your way.  Daydreaming is okay, escapism is not.


Don't keep your chakras wide open, fold them for protection and put your energetic boundary in place.  All this Pisces energy could leave you feeling more vulnerable than usual, practice the protocols every day and especially before you go to sleep at night.  Are you easily influenced by others, things they say or things they do?  Get those boundaries in place.  Your energy is sacred and you get to choose who can go anywhere near it.  Avoid energy vampires and manipulators, and reinforce those boundaries.  Walk away from situations that drain your energy.  Don’t take on too much for the next couple of weeks as you may feel more tired than usual.


How to strengthen your aura boundary:

  • Stand, rub your hands together palm to palm and take a few deep breaths.

  • Feel your energy field/aura and use your hands to push upwards, sidewards, downwards, behind you and all the gaps inbetween.

You are setting your intention that ‘this is my boundary no-one can come any closer.’

(Let me know how you get on with this).


Avoid overspending during this transit, Pisces is the sign of addictions whether that’s negative thinking, chocolate or other substances, or shopping.  We all know that when the sh*t hits the fan and we’ve had a really tough day we are tempted to treat ourselves.  Nothing wrong in that, but this Pisces energy could weaken your resolve!  Rein in the urges.


Saturn (The Taskmaster) is in Pisces until 2026.  Saturn always seems restrictive because it wants to impose structure upon you and it can feel as if you’re being held back.  Saturn teaches us the lessons we need to learn, showing us what is no longer working for us and guiding us to finding new ways, to find more meaning in our lives.

Because Saturn is in Pisces you are being encouraged to get disciplined about the dreams you want to manifest, get some kind of plan or structure in place to make them happen.  Saturn makes us grow up and take responsibility for what we manifest.  In Pisces it’s also about becoming Peacemakers and focusing more on the spiritual side of our lives and less on the materialistic side.  When we get the balance right, that’s when manifestation becomes easy.


There is magick in the air with this Full supermoon in Pisces, it’s a great time to meditate, to do ceremony/ritual, to connect with Spirit and channel.  Make some time for this.


FULL supermoon ECLIPSE Ritual

You will need:

A quiet space


Notepad or journal, pen


-  Create a quiet space where you cannot be disturbed.

-  Light the candle and dedicate it. Cup your hands, fill them with candlelight then cleanse your aura in a gentle stroking action.

-  Focus on your breathing and get centred.

-  Open to a clean blank page, sit quietly and wait for the download. (This may come in a jumble of words, don’t worry about it, just write it all down, you can sort it out later).

-  Keep focusing on your breathing and writing.

-  You will feel when the session has come to an end.

-  Give thanks and send the light out to someone/somewhere in need.

For the next two weeks, be open and receptive to synchronicities, signs and symbols and make a note of those too.  Also take notice of your dreams, as there will be messages and guidance within them.

Blessed Be


It’s time to get rid of whatever/whoever disturbs your peace, the next two years are about peace and empathy.  How much peace do you enjoy in your life?  How much empathy do you have for yourself?


It’s a time of elevating yourself and your life, of connecting more with your Higher Self.  In order to do this, some clearing and letting go needs to happen first.  Listen to your intuition, trust your gut, be open to the messages trying to get through.  Ask your guides/guardians/angels for help as often as you like, they are waiting to help you.


It’s time for everyone to get out of their busy heads and fear-filled solar plexus and back into their hearts.  Keep your vibration raised.  Be kind to yourself.  Be kind to others.  Rise above it when your buttons get pressed – be the bigger person.  Soothe your Soul the higher vibration way.


Remember to have fun, look for the joys that are there to be found in each day.  It’s okay to be happy and have fun along the way.


May this Eclipse season treat you kindly and bring you to a wonderful new chapter in your life.



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