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FULL MOON in Aries: Emotions - Releasing - Progressing

Artist: ©Anna Shaw

Well it’s been a bit emotional building up to this Full Moon hasn’t it? Have you found it difficult to concentrate? Have you felt a bit ungrounded? ‘Tis the Full Moon energies.

You need to be well grounded to ride this Full Moon phase; it could be a shocker as things come to a head. I kept seeing a dormant volcano bursting forth with red-hot lava symbolizing this. And beware your shadow side, as it could come springing up along with old doubts and insecurities.

Full Moons are the culmination of what has happened over the past month. They can mean completions and endings as your path is cleared for the new month ahead.

Full Moons shine a big light on what you need to see that you may not have seen before, so something could be revealed. You need to know who is truly on your ‘team’ and genuinely wants to support you and this will be revealed now.

Full Moons also bring emotions to the surface and as this one is in fiery Aries, there is the potential for arguments and power struggles. It’s the time for all the bullsh*t to end now and get down to the truth. No more flannelling, it’s time for some straight talking. Do think before reacting so that it doesn’t backfire on you. However, if something/someone has become intolerable, this Aries Full Moon brings you the firepower to deal with it – but – if you can find a more peaceful way to deal with it, then everyone will benefit.

It’s a Forgiveness Full Moon, a time to speak your truth and finally sort something out. If you want to move forward successfully, then you may need to have that chat, extend the olive branch, etc.

It’s a time of keeping your integrity and speaking your truth. Don’t let anyone cross your boundaries, stay strong. There’s also a sense of having reached a point where something has to change. Be open to the fact that when you do move forward again, it may be in a different direction.

Lots of shifting on the Earthplane too, so any of you who are Earth Sensitives will really have been feeling what Mother Earth is going through at the moment.

Artist: ©Josephine Wall

On the positive side, planets that were retrograde are now moving again, so if you have felt held back, bogged down or stuck - particularly business-wise, then things should ease up now and start to flow better for you. It will also be easier now to stay on track with tasks/goals.

Be prepared, when things start moving forward for you they could move very quickly. This is a great time to reveal something to the world, that you have been working on for the past year especially the past six months. So keep the faith, hold your vision, keep believing in what you are doing and keep going.


You will need:

Candle (any colour), pen, paper, matches, fireproof dish or cauldron.

· Create a quiet space where you cannot be disturbed (and where you will not set off smoke alarms).

· Focus on your breathing and ensure that you are grounded.

· Light a candle and attune to the fire element of this Full Moon.

· When you are centred, write everything that you want to release/let go of on the paper. Keep writing until you cannot write any more.

· Roll the page/s up and twist.

· Light with the matches and drop into the fireproof dish/cauldron (you may like to do this bit outside – if you do, remember to put the candle out).

And say:

“With this flame I say goodbye

To everything that’s not my ally.

Willingly I let go and release

To restore my inner peace.

So Mote It Be.”

· Ensure that every single written word is reduced to ash – you may need to use more matches.

· Send the light of your candle out to whoever needs it by blowing it out and spiraling the smoke up to the Universe.

· When the ash is cool, cast it to the winds (or sprinkle it on the Earth).


I release all that no longer serves me

I now move forward fearlessly

I trust in my ability to manifest my dream in the world

I know that I will stay on track with my goals

I am open to new opportunities

I am focused on where I am headed

May y’all get fired up in the right way this Full Moon ;-)

Elly xx

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