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FULL MOON in Aquarius

Well, it’s been a bit intense building up to this Full Moon hasn’t it?  And I’ve been having some really weird dreams – how about you?  I’ve also had lots of interrupted sleep this week too and feeling a bit sensitive emotionally.


And it’s a Supermoon, therefore it will feel super intense at times.  This is the first in a sequence of four Supermoons this year (August, September, October and November).  Powerful times! 

This Full Moon has already been removing the veil of illusion about certain people in your life, about particular situations that have been going on and revealing the truth.

Full Moons always shine a light on something you need to see, even if you don’t really want to see it.  It’s important not to ignore what is being revealed, this is to save you further heartache or aggro further down the line.

I know it can be disappointing and a bit upsetting especially when you have placed your trust in someone or something, just remember whatever happens is to help you, as the Universe wants what’s best for you.


Many of you are aware of the shift – not just in season – but the shifting energies in our world.  Things are shifting and moving and our job is to be focused on peaceful outcomes and to be part of the solution not the problem.  This shift will require some kind of change in yourself, the way you live your life and who you choose to share your energy with. 


Change is never easy and can make us feel a bit unsettled and wobbly until we receive clarity about what is going on.  This Full super Moon could bring about some curveballs, be prepared for the unexpected.  Jupiter and Saturn are creating a push/pull situation which can make you feel torn between your past and your future.  Follow your heart not your head, or your solar plexus (fear about the future may trigger your solar plexus).  We are all going to need to learn how to adapt swiftly to these changes, we may want to resist but resistance will be futile.


Mercury is still retrograde which could throw a spanner into the works to.  Be as clear as possible in the way you communicate and hold off from making any major decisions until the beginning of next month if you can.  Try not to overreact and ask for help if you need to.


For many months in this Blog, I’ve been encouraging y’all to let go of the past.  The past is over, it’s up to us to learn the lessons and move on.  How can we create a positive future if we are still chained to the past or letting the past keep us enchained?


I had a revelation during the build up to this Full Moon,  if we truly want a peaceful and abundant existence what if we could create that future?  We have the power to do so, in fact most of us don’t tap into even half the power that we have.  It’s time for us, the people, to collaborate together to create the peaceful, abundant future that everyone so deserves.


What if you could create the future?  Imagine feeling free of the heaviness of the past, imagine feeling yourself being able to grow and expand energetically with no restrictions, imagine the life you really want.  So how do you create the future you want?


You start by acting and living as if it were already here.  You become aware of the words you use (stop moaning and complaining, use words that create peace and abundance).  You become aware of the way that you hold yourself, conduct yourself in the world.  Start acting like your future self – what would that self look like, dress like, move like, speak like?  How would your future self live, eat, play, work?

BTW the future isn’t somewhere out there - the future starts right now.


Use meditation and energy work to help you tap into the vastness of the Universe and draw that energy into yourself.  We are moving into a time of expansion (lord knows we’ve had enough contraction over the past few years to last a lifetime).  How can you expand your thinking?  How can you expand the way you live?  Connecting to universal energy helps us to realise how truly unlimited we are.


On a positive note, this powerful Full super Moon is the perfect time to do some Full Moon magick.  Write down what you are ready to let go of (then burn it, safely).  Then write down your vision for the future you are creating and manifesting for yourself starting from today, keep it on your altar and tie a red ribbon around it (red is an activation colour in Feng Shui), you could also make a vision board to give you daily inspiration.


Be open to new connections and collaborations with this Full super Moon, they could provide the key to the new direction you need to go in.  Remember teamwork makes the dream work!


Some of you will be asked to step into greatness, the greater version of yourself.  This has been predestined.  The time is now, you are now.  You may have a little wobble of fear about this, but know that you are needed, it is time to step up, it is time for you.  Think of it as a cosmic promotion for doing all the hard yards to get this far.


This Full super Moon will be life changing for many.  Although things may get tough for a while, when you get to the other side of it all, you will see that it has given you freedom of some kind.  In the meantime, spend time with those who love and support you, those who encourage your visions and help you to get there. 


 If you need some guidance or support, I have a special offer for August

A one hour online Wise Woman Wisdom session, where I help you to work through whatever is going on, you will also receive a personal message from Spirit to give you some clarity as well as practical steps for the way forward.

£80 (usually £99) USD $102 (usually $127). Offer ends 31st August 2024. Contact me for more info at


“I really enjoyed my session. I found what you said to be spot on. I actually felt the blockages move and I feel lighter now.” – RAV


“Thank you such a powerful session, I felt a genuine sense of profound spiritual healing.” - ER



KEYS to this FULL super MOON

 Make time for meditation and attuning

Reinforce your physical and personal energy boundaries

Prepare to let go of something/someone

Be aware of sudden twists, turns and changes

Pay attention to what is being revealed

Stay grounded

Stay hydrated




 Have a super Super Full Moon y’all!


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