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(artist unknown)

Gosh there is so much to share with you this time, so get yourself a cup of something lovely and have a good read.


As well as the New Moon in lovely Leo, we are approaching the peak of the Lionsgate portal/vortex, Mercury (planet of communication) is going retrograde again, and Chiron (planet of the wounded Healer) is going retrograde in Aries from 26 July until 29th December.


New Moon in Leo highlights

This lovely, auspicious New Moon encourages us to be more sociable, to make connections and hang out with friends and community.

The New Moon in Leo asks, ‘who or what lights you up?’ and encourages you to do more of that.

Leo is fun loving and whatever is going on for you right now, Leo encourages you to find time for fun and pleasure.  All work and no play makes for a dull you, this especially applies to all you self-employed entrepreneurs, build some fun and pleasure time into your diary for the rest of this month.

Go somewhere different and try something new to bring freshness to the fun and pleasure activities.  It’s time for us all to lighten up and to make life lighter.

There’s also some lovely creative energy with this New Moon - be open to downloads and new ideas coming through – how exciting!  Or it may be that you revive a creative project. 

It’s not just creativity, romance is highlighted too.  Bring some light and oodles of love into your all your relationships.  It’s a tough world out there, shine some light, spread some love.

Leo reminds you to take pride in yourself and all that you do, you should be proud of yourself, you’ve been through so much and you are still here, still trying, and still moving forward.

Leo reminds you to stop playing small, you are allowed to take up space and there is plenty of space for you. Playing small serves no-one and does the world a great disservice.

Leo invites you to express yourself more fully, to stop hiding in the shadows, to step out and take your rightful place in the world, and do it with style! (Leo loves to dress up, show up and flaunt fabulously).

Leo reminds you to shine bright like the Sun.  Your purpose on this Earth is to share your light through everything you do.  Leo encourages you to look for the joy in every aspect of your life, the little joys as well as the big ones.

Remember to smile every hour! 😊

Remember to dress up and show up radiantly every single day. 


The Lionsgate portal/vortex (so-called because it happens during Leo season) is when the fixed star Sirius is once again visible and occurs in August when the Sun is at its peak intensity.  The Sun is fire energy expressed through the constellation of Leo the lion, reminding us of how powerful we truly are.


The ancient Egyptians would plan many of their ceremonies for this special time.  To them Sirius was linked to the Goddess Isis, who is associated with fertility, healing and renewal.

The Lionsgate portal is a powerful time for manifesting, so be careful what you wish for and what intentions you send out during the month of August.


The most powerful day of the Lionsgate, also known as the Galactic New Year, is 8th August.  8 in Feng Shui is one of the numbers of abundance and prosperity.  This year 8th August is a triple 8 day!  (Why is it a triple 8 day? 8th day of the 8th month and 2-0-2-4 = 8).

In Numerology 8 is the number of infinity, magick, victory, and prosperity.  The number 8 balances past, present and future, balancing karma.  As it’s a triple 8 day, it’s powerful regarding karma so be very careful not to create anymore on this day or the repercussions will ripple on for a long time.  It’s time to free yourself and enjoy the possibilities that this day brings.


The Lionsgate portal opens from 26th July and closes around 12th August (possibly 14th in 2024).  It’s an opportunity to take a big leap in your manifestations.  It will enhance your spiritual growth as the brightness of Sirius merges with the power of the Sun, and elevates your consciousness because of the influx of the Sirius light codes.  Be open to coincidences and sudden opportunities.


Here are a few things you can do, to enjoy this special time


🧘🏼Meditate so that you can be open to receiving the beneficial energies and downloads.


🎨Create something with loving intention, think about what you want to manifest, visualise it, meditate on it, write it in your journal, create a vision board. 


🌬️Ideally on 8th August, sit outside in the sunshine and do some breathwork to breathe in the prana and special energies into every cell of your Being.


8 With your right hand ‘draw’ the figure 8 from left side of your head down to your naval then past your right hip right down to the ground, then up the left side of your legs across to the naval and up over the right side of your head. Repeat 3 more times.

These figure 8 movements help balance the left and right brain; they help to balance any out-of-balance energies.  As you do these figure 8 movements, imagine letting go of old energy right down into the ground and as you come back up the other side, imagine you are bringing new energy up from the earth.  Have go and let me know how you get on with it.


Another exercise is to stand up and lift your arms up to the sky, shoulders down, chest open in order to receive, breathe naturally and easily and allow yourself to be showered in beneficial energy.


(artist unknown)


The Lionsgate portal is a time for healing and opening up to the greater powers so that you can elevate your vibration to a higher level.  Be willing to allow the transformation, to let go of the past, to invite the breaking of old patterns and belief systems.  Focus on love, particularly for yourself as you let go and stay open to receiving.  Focus on love for all humanity and our beautiful planet.  Just let go and allow Spirit/the Lionsgate energy to guide you.

Mercury retrograde (in Virgo and Leo 4-28 August)

As usual with Merc retrograde, back your computer up, get the tires checked on the car, anything broken get it fixed, and double check your travel arrangements, in fact triple check them over this retrograde.

Avoid major purchases until after the retrograde.  If you are ordering any products online, double check before clicking and expect delays in delivery. 

Be aware of muddled communication, people not understanding you or misunderstanding, be as clear as you can in all communications.  Do your best not to overreact when you are getting frustrated or your buttons are being pressed.  Remember your boundaries.

Pay attention to detail, this tends to slide during a Merc retrograde in Virgo, double check your work, and re-read before hitting send.  Don’t launch anything new until the retrograde ends, work on it between now and then.

If contracts are involved, ideally wait until after the retrograde has finished before signing, if you have to sign contracts then double/triple check the details and be prepared that something may change before the contract is confirmed/finalised/completed.

On the practical side as it’s in practical Virgo, this retrograde gives you the time to go back and finish things that you haven’t had time for, i.e. those projects, crafts, ideas that you’ve been thinking about for a while.

Mercury retrograde slows things down, giving you a chance to catch up and rest up.  Use the time wisely, get the filing done, clear the clutter, and get ready for when things speed up again.

Chiron retrograde (in Aries 26 July-29 December)

This will help you to reflect on the emotional and relationship triggers that still haven’t healed.  This may make you feel a bit vulnerable, don’t override it – go with it.  It’s important to heal these old triggers so that they don’t jeopardise or sabotage your future happiness.  This also applies to your habits - what habits should have gone a long time ago but you still keep defaulting to?


Chiron being retrograde in Aries means a time of self-reflection and facing up to your accountability and making others face up to theirs, once more you are reminded about your personal boundaries.

It’s important to find closure on these issues before the end of 2024, so that you can start the New Year afresh.


There are three phases to Chiron;

⚕️The Wounded Healer – highlighting the wounds/issues that you need to heal, including looking after your health.

🧙🏼The Shaman – bringing you the courage and energy to do the healing required, and also encouraging you to find a Healer you can work with to help you.

💛The Alchemist – this is you when the healing is done. The transformation completed for this stage, and readying you for the next. 

You have all three within you, which stage are you at?



With all this activity going on, it’s no wonder you might be feeling a bit wobbly at times and perhaps vulnerable.  Just stay with it, give yourself a hug and some quiet time to try and work out what it’s all about.  Look after yourself and remember to find time for fun too!IONSGATE Offer

 SGATE Offer


A one hour online Wise Woman Wisdom session, where I help you to work through whatever is going on, you will also receive a gentle healing session and a plan for the next step forward.  Lionsgate price: £80 (usually £99) USD $102 (usually $127). Offer ends 31st August 2024.  🦁Contact me for more info at



Fabulous New Moon Blessings to y’all!






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