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NEW MOON Blessings: Surrender - Flow - New Beginnings


picture: Pisces, one blue fish, one golden coloured fish
picture: Pisces, one blue fish, one golden coloured fish


We’re starting a new astrological cycle; Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac (therefore the current cycle is ending before the new astrological year starts with Aries).  Pisces this is your New Year New Start; in fact, it’s a new beginning for all of us.


Mars (the planet that gives us our drive and energy) has started moving forwards again.  If you felt like you were dragging yourself through treacle the past three months because of low energy, and you just couldn’t get motivated, it’s because Mars was retrograde.  Your energy and enthusiasm will start to creep back now and you will soon be raring to go again.


Also, Jupiter (the planet of good fortune and blessings) is no longer retrograde, which is why this New Moon is extra special as we have blessings from Jupiter on whatever we place our attention on.


Pisces is a water sign; emotions may come up for healing, especially if you have to say goodbye to something or someone.  Endings always lead to new beginnings, so trust that what is ending is making space for something so much better to come to you – and you deserve that! 


Picture: Pisces by Josephine Wall of a mermaid gazing into the water, where two fish are dancing
Picture: Pisces by Josephine Wall of a mermaid gazing into the water, where two fish are dancing

This is a wonderful New Moon; it’s the best manifesting Moon of the year!  What do you want to manifest for yourself?  Does your life need to have more meaning, or do your actions need to align with what is more meaningful?


Tune into your inner Magician, use your magick to create your new beginnings, your new chapter.  There’s no rush, remember this is a Wood Snake year which brings slow and steady progress, however the sooner you slough off the old skin that has been dragging you down, the sooner the new you can emerge and move forward.


This is a significant New Moon, as it gives you the green light to make the significant changes you need to make.  Is it time for you to take a leap?  It’s a brilliant New Moon for creating and/or starting something new.  It’s time for you to really move forward now emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically.


But do so with grace and ease, Pisces is a water sign and the energy of whatever you are doing needs to flow.  Trying to force something too soon or too quickly will push the energy the wrong way, be patient.  Create the space within yourself and your environment for the creativity to be birthed and have the space to develop and grow.  Think about collaborating with others and creating something amazing together.


Make time and space to listen to your intuition which will be heightened at this time, This New Moon opens up a portal to the cosmos, the Divine, to enable you to connect with your Higher Self and higher guidance.  What do you want to dream into being?  Go inwards, meditate, journal, use the cards, whatever will connect you on a deeper level and then go with the flow.


You have a choice, to move forward with a positive mind and attitude or to keep pushing the river the wrong way.  Avoid negativity, even with all this watery, emotional energy that’s around and stay grounded, Pisces can make you feel dreamy and spacey.  It’s important to stay focused as much as you can and in your body so that you are not taken in by what is illusory.

Choose where you spend your energy, each day gives you 24 hours, how many of those hours are meaningful or fill you with joy?  How many of those hours are wasted on social media? (I do it too).  Who is vampiring your energy?  Who or what takes up too much of your energy?  This New Moon gives you a reset, a chance to decide how you want to use your energy from now on.  Just don’t waste it, use it wisely.


Trust your feelings, that inner knowing, that inner guidance, even if you’re not sure of the outcome, just go with the flow and see where it takes you.  New Beginnings often start in the dream realm before they become manifest on the physical plane.  The next few days are about surrendering to guidance, trusting your intuition and acting on the guidance you receive.  It will feel natural, you will have a sense of certainty, even if you’re not sure how it will all pan out, just go for it with grace and ease.


Make the most of this lovely New Moon in Pisces, because in March we have the first Eclipse season of the year, which will definitely shake things up.


Ritual for the New Moon in Pisces

You will need: candle, water, journal.


o   Use water to cleanse yourself and your energy, if you don’t feel like having a shower/bath right now, wash your hands and sprinkle the water around your aura.

o   Create a sacred space where you cannot be disturbed.

o   Have a drink of the water, and settle into a comfortable position.

o   Focus on your breathing to centre yourself.

o   Place your left hand over your heart and gently press together your right thumb and first and second fingers of your right hand and place on your third eye.

o   Take some deep breaths.  When you are ready, repeat with the other hand, and take some deep breaths.

(watch my short Zoom video if you’re not sure how to do this. Click link below and put in passcode to access. Passcode: &$dUKjS1)


o   This connects your heart and third eye chakras, so that you can receive the intuitive downloads through your third eye and take them into your heart chakra, you can then take this energy out into the world, into your daily life.

o   You could also whilst in this relaxed, meditative state try scrying with a bowl of water.  (You will need a bowl that is a dark colour inside, fill with water, sit and attune and see what images are shown to you).


Make a note of your dreams, and any random ideas that may pop into your head at the most unexpected time.



Keys to this New Moon

Stop for a while









Have a fabulous New Moon y’all.  Happy Manifesting!






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