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NEW MOON Blessings: The Big Clearout – New Wellbeing – New Start



Virgo reminds us to pay attention to the details and get organised.  This New Moon gives you the energy to get things sorted so that you can free up your energy and your space. 


  • What have you let slide recently?

  • What has been piling up recently?

  • Have you checked your digital clutter lately?  (How many apps do you actually need?  How many photos do you need to keep on your phone?)


With all the recent pressures on everyone, the details can easily slide and be overlooked.  One way to prevent that and to ensure that you don’t miss anything, is a tip I learned from one of my American Indian Elders; clean your windows regularly, so that you can see exactly what is going on, and nothing becomes obscured or hidden from you.


This Virgo New Moon encourages you to try something new.  Take a look at all the different areas of your life, what is something new that you can bring to each area of your life?

Virgo wants you to get out of any ruts you may have been in and invite the new like a breath of fresh air into all aspects of your life.  How can you make things better for yourself, what can you improve on?  Drop any perfectionism, just do what you can with you’ve got, sometimes the smallest tweaks make the biggest difference.


Virgo is the sign of service, who needs your help?  Are you putting yourself first and being of service to yourself?  When your cup is full then you have enough to help others.


Virgo is also the sign of health and wellbeing.  It’s time to include more grounding, nurturing foods in your diet, with gently warming spices for those chilly, damp Autumn days.

Like the leaves on the trees, it’s time to let go, particularly of bad habits and stress.  Tummy issues can occur at this time of year, so improve your gut health with good food and by reducing worry. 

This New Moon is a great time to give your health and wellbeing a thorough makeover and create new routines that will keep you healthy for the coming Winter moons.


September is harvest time, a time to look back over the months of Summer (June-July-August) and give thanks for the good times, give yourself a hug for any not so good times and give yourself a pat on the back for dealing with all the curveballs that came up.  Think back to the beginning of the year, what seeds did you plant back then?  Did those seeds flourish?  I’m sure you have achieved and experienced a great deal since January, and I know it will have made you stronger.


As we are now in the Autumn moons, you might like to refresh your environment.  Let go of things you have outgrown or no longer suit by giving them to charity. Perhaps change the cushion covers or throws to match the season, move things around to make the room/s cosier and to change up the energy of the space. 


The recent Mercury retrograde certainly brought up some curveballs, it was one of the most intense retrogrades I’ve ever experienced with one thing after the other.

Yes it’s over - but not quite - as it’s in its post-shadow phase until 11th Sept, so the twists and turns may still crop up.  It did for us as the head gasket went on our car and we needed a new one fast so that hubby can get to his main office.  I always encourage folks not to make large purchases during Mercury retrograde but that’s exactly what we’ve just done 🙄.

Was it smooth sailing for you or did you find August stressful?


New Moons are great for writing Manifestation Lists, think about all the different areas of your life and write down the new changes you want to bring to each area.  There is great astrological support for new ideas and projects, start planning now.


We are heading towards Eclipse season with the next Full Moon and it will be profound, so make the most of the calm times between now and then and use them to have a big clear out on every level, and to try something new.


The keys to this New Moon are:

Time for a big clear out.

Get organised.

Clear/let go of what no longer fits who you are now.

Try something new.

Improve your health.

Improve your living and working environment.

Love and accept yourself – you’re doing great!

See how you can help others.

Go with the flow when sh*t happens.

Trust that it will all work out in the end.



New Moon Blessings to you and yours!




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