artist (c) Rene Olivares
New Moon total solar eclipse in Aries
Intense times!
The Dark Nights of the Moon leading up to this week’s New Moon certainly started preparing us for this Eclipse. Old self-worth and other emotional issues came up causing you to feel off balance. Also, you may have felt hypersensitive especially to smells, bright light, sounds and other people’s energies.
This New Moon in dynamic, action-oriented Aries is also a Total Solar Eclipse and acts as a portal to propel us into the next chapter of our lives. We are stepping away from the old and stepping into something new.
Eclipses cause shake-ups, wake ups and break ups, losses and gains, how severe this will be depends on the lessons we need to learn. Eclipses can be unpredictable and show up in different areas of our lives; sometimes it can make us feel as if the rug has been pulled out from under us. The good thing is something much better always comes out of any upset we may go through. The whole point of Eclipses is to shake us out of our ruts and get us back on our true path towards our destiny.
When we get a burst of Aries energy we always want to go racing ahead and get on with things, however as it’s an Eclipse it would be worth taking a few minutes to double check that this is the best way for you to forge ahead.
Ask yourself “is this the best use of my time and does it bring me nearer to my goals?” Also check in with yourself how it feels energetically, which part of you wants to race ahead? Is the timing right?
On the positive side this extra Aries energy may be the boost you need to up sticks and move home, end relationships, or change careers etc., and this may all happen quite suddenly.
This New Moon is obscured due to the Eclipse meaning that we all need to look inwards. What has been hidden in our shadow side may come up to be dealt with. You may need some extra support and help to deal with what happens over the next few weeks, don’t be afraid to ask for it. This is the ideal time to heal those shadow issues that have been blocking your progress.
Emotions may be rampant and you can be easily triggered, particularly in relationships where there are power struggles. Do your best not to overreact or lash out, as that will exacerbate the situation. However, if there is genuine injustice then you will feel compelled to take the right action.
It’s a time when the old has to go, some part of your life no longer fits who you are becoming, change is coming so something or someone will suddenly no longer be part of your life. This will be emotional and can be a shock sometimes, so do look after yourself and get support if you need to.
It’s a time of endings before a new beginning can take place, and in-between healing what needs healing.
The effects of an Eclipse season can reverberate for at least six months afterwards (sometimes longer). This week’s Eclipse is the start of brave new change that needs to happen.
Mercury (planet of Communication) is going retrograde on the 21st and the effects have already started. Therefore I would put off making any big decisions or signing any contracts until 20th May when things should become more settled.
Mercury gives us an opportunity to slow down and attend to those matters that we haven’t had time for i.e. getting the car checked, backing up the computer, fixing what needs fixing, catching up with filing and other outstanding jobs. Not pushing anything, just taking our time to sort things out.
Keys to this transit
Be courageous
Avoid being too impulsive, stop and weigh everything up first.
Keep a balance in everything.
Stay hydrated, drink water little and often to help flush out any stress toxins.
Avoid being too introverted and selfish, don’t isolate yourself.
Nurture your relationships; those around you need to know you are there.
Honour your emotions don’t ignore them, plenty of TLC on those days.
Make time to rest especially during the day, build in those 5-minute breaks for some quiet time to close your eyes and simply focus on your breath.
Burn off any excess nervous energy through dance or power walking in Nature.
Spend more time and pay more attention to your loved ones, work can wait.
Stay strong, stay in your truth.
“I am excited about the positive new change happening in my life.
I know that I am loved and supported.”
*For those who need extra support through this transit,
I have some spaces available for online Healing sessions.
Contact me for more info.
Wow, powerful times we are living in. Look after yourselves.
Many Blessings,